Monthly Archives: August 2014

[Guest Post] Let’s Read A Band of Roses – Ch. 1-3

I’ve never been a huge alt-history buff. The examples of the genre I’ve tried have been interesting, but the speculative hook has never been enough to keep me reading beyond the halfway point. I guess I just don’t care that much what kind of souvenirs Americans would make in an alternative version of the 20th century where the country was annexed by Japan and Germany after the Second World War.

In the past few weeks, however, I stumbled across a series about an alternative version of history in which Ireland was never conquered by Britain. There are exactly two ways a book like this could go: it will either be rah-rah nationalism written by the kind of people who post on the Ireland sub-forum on Stormfront or else it will be rah-rah nationalism written by an American author who really wishes they were born here.

A Band of Roses, the first book in the creatively-titled Band of Roses series, is written by an American who, judging by her website, is super into Ireland. So I guess we’re leaning towards Option B. Let’s see how this goes!

For some reason I find the juxtaposition of a castle and a helicopter really funny.

For some reason I find the juxtaposition of a castle and a helicopter really funny.

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Gamescon 2014

Gamescon is here! If you don’t know what that is it’s because you’re a normal person who doesn’t spend hours every day reading videogame news sites.

Basically Gamescon is E3’s little brother. Developers don’t tend to announce a whole lot of new games; often it’s just further information on already known projects or gameplay reveals of stuff announced in title only at E3. For that reason I don’t tend to pay much attention to it every year.

Turns out I should have this time, because lots of interesting stuff went down!

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